I'm pretty sure that this contest Idea is original but I don't know. But let's get started! Okay so I have 3 different Retextured hats that need names.(Don't bother going to my decals because those are just names for the Images.) Well Okay, here are the 3 hats that are in the contest!
Horned Monster-
1st Prize-100R$(If NBC I'll find Another prize.)
2nd Prize-50 R$ & 2 Free Retextures
3rd Prize- 25 R$ and 1 Free Retexture
Veteran Badge Collector-
1st Prize-80R$(If NBC I'll find Another prize.)
2nd Prize-40 R$ & 2 Free Retextures
3rd Prize- 20 R$ and 1 Free Retexture

Pencil Top Viking-
1st Prize-90R$(If NBC I'll find Another prize.)
2nd Prize-60 R$ & 2 Free Retextures
3rd Prize- 30 R$ and 1 Free Retexture
Each hat must have a winning name, This contest will run from 3/9/12 to 3/24/12 that gives you 15 days to think of a Name! Well, have fun and Good Luck!